Kristie's Corner

By Kristie Larsen
Tuesday August 25, 2020
Categories: General, Independent Living
Tags: life in senior living, Independent Living, Retirement Living in Arizona

What a joy to be back at Fellowship Square Phoenix. After spending some time getting to know the leadership team, it is clear they are amazing and dedicated to making sure our residents thrive and live with purpose. Their focus and priority is the safety of our community during the COVID pandemic. 

COVID 19 is still active in Arizona so we encourage you to limit your exposure to the general public. We will continue to be transparent and forthcoming, as situations develop and change. During the summer months, COVID 19 is not the only danger for seniors. Temperatures remain dangerously hot outside, so please stay inside as much as possible and try to limit outdoor activity to the morning hours. 


My office has moved and is now located in Centerview at the main office area. I want you to know that behind my mask is a smile, because I am genuinely happy to be here serving you! 

Years ago as a mom with a fulltime job, I enrolled in Grand Canyon University. The scripture James 1: 2-3 became very real to me: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  Wow trials of many kinds – included kids and homework and now a virus.  As we preserve through this pandemic, I am certain we can become stronger, smarter and more compassionate. 


Kristie Larsen

Executive Director

Stay informed on how we're handling COVID-19.