Look to the Lord

Monday November 01, 2021
Categories: General
Tags: Faith

Look to the Lord

Fellowship Square is a faith-based Christian community that offers its residents a variety of ways to connect with the Lord. While He is there in the best of times, He is there in the hardest of times too. Fellowship Square encourages seniors to turn to the Lord in times of illness, sadness, and loneliness to help them find comfort and solace. 


At any time in life, a connection with the lord can help restore faith and create joy and happiness. The Lord is never judgmental so no matter how long it’s been since seniors have attended mass or hit their knees to say a prayer, He is always waiting to welcome his children with open arms. Seniors who are struggling as they age with health issues or the loss of a loved one can find true healing with God.


Seniors need not even attend a mass or Bible study to reconnect with the Lord. Simply carving out some time to express gratitude to the Lord serves as a great place to start reconnecting. Seniors might find a quiet spot that brings them joy, such as their favorite comfortable chair or a favorite walking trail to begin their gratitude. Calling to mind all the wonderful things that currently exist in their lives, and thanking the Lord for these gifts, is one quick way to not only reconnect with the Lord but to begin to feel joy and happiness that sometimes can become clouded by sadness, loneliness, or sickness.   


This is an incredible practice to do first thing in the morning or at the end of each day — or both! But there is no wrong time to offer thanks and gratitude to the Lord. He is always listening. 


While many seniors may be used to handling things on their own, asking the Lord for help can be a challenge. But God wants to help solve senior's issues. He need only be asked. Seniors that have trouble asking for help might begin their prayer with thanks and then follow it up with asking God to bring them solace or improved health or to help them through a time of loss of a loved one.


It’s also important for seniors to remember the connection to the Lord that the community of church can provide. Through attending mass, getting involved in the church choir, or signing up for a Bible study, seniors that experiencing sadness or loneliness can become engaged with a new social group that can help them work through these feelings.  


Fellowship Square encourages seniors to look to the Lord, in good times and in bad. A relationship with God can help everyone find balance and happiness in their lives every day. 

Fellowship Square

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