Fellowship Square Celebrates World Heart Day with Healthy Heart Tips

Tuesday September 29, 2020
Categories: General
Tags: Health

World Heart Day with Healthy Heart Tips

September 29 has been designated as World Heart Day and the World Heart Federation (WHF) uses this day as an opportunity to bring awareness to cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Through its new campaign Use Heart, the organization notes that in the midst of the pandemic, it’s more important than ever for people to take care of their hearts. The WHF website states: “In the time of COVID-19, CVD patients are faced with a double-edged threat. Not only are they more at risk of developing severe forms of the virus, but they may also be afraid to seek ongoing care for their hearts.” Fellowship Square shares more from the WHF about CVD and some heart healthy tips too.


According to the WHF, CVD is “the number one cause of death on the planet,” and its causes range from smoking and diabetes to high blood pressure, obesity, air pollution and rare or neglected conditions. The organization’s campaign Use Heart is intended to help people understand what it takes to live a heart healthy life, to serve as a positive influence for others, and to be compassionate — “to look beyond the self and act in ways that support the most vulnerable in society; those with underlying heart-related conditions that may put them at greater risk in the time of COVID-19.”


Taking care of one’s heart comes in the form of eating a heart healthy diet, abstaining from tobacco, limiting alcohol consumption, and staying fit and active. In terms of eating for a healthy heart, the Keep it Pumping website states that monitoring salt intake in an important factor for those with or at risk of heart failure. Because salt can cause the body to retain water, which can put an added strain on the heart, the website suggests limiting sodium intake to about one teaspoon of salt per day; using other herbs and spices to add flavor to foods; and limiting pre-packaged and “grab and go” foods like cold cuts and cured meats, frozen pizza or pre-wrapped sandwiches. Instead of these convenience items, heart healthy choices include fruit and vegetables, whole grains, seafood, nuts and seeds, olive oil, and dairy.


Another important aspect of the WHF’s Use Heart campaign is to bring awareness to the importance of getting active in the name of a healthy heart. The website suggests getting “at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity five times a week” and notes that any movement counts such as playing, walking, housework and dancing.


In honor of World Heart Day, Fellowship Square invites its residents, caregivers and loved ones to Use Heart when it comes to making heart healthy choices. Making little changes at a time can add up to big results — and a happy, healthy heart!

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