Merchant Accounts
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Process all types of credit card transactions electronically, without ever having to go to the bank.
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Superior customer service combined with some of the lowest rates.

Sales Retail & Point of Sale
*As Low As
$8.00 Service Fee
27 Cents per transaction

Mail & Phone (No Card Present)
$8.00 Service Fee
29 Cents per Transaction

Online Processing
$8.00 Service Fee
29 Cents per transaction
$10 Monthly Gateway Fee
Merchants processing over $100,000 per year
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Start accepting Credit Cards online!
One of the more mystifying credit card processing concepts for e-commerce merchants is the differences between the “shopping cart “, the “payment gateway account" and the "e-commerce merchant accounts". These three separate components of credit card processing are required and work together to process payments automatically.
The following information outlines the general payment process from the time an order is placed through web site shopping cart until your funds are deposited into your bank account.
The shopping cart software has configuration settings which integrates with the payment gateway account, and the payment gateway account integrates with the e-commerce merchant account. We will assist you to insure that the shopping cart software, the payment gateway and the merchant account are compatible.
Definitions GlossaryCredit Card Processing Steps
- The consumers complete their orders via the merchants’ web shopping cart.
- The shopping cart program on the web host computer gathers the order information, and sends it to the payment gateway.
- The payment gateway verifies the information it received with the card issuer and that the funds requested are available.
- When everything matches, the charge is approved; the card issuer sends an approval code to the payment gateway.
- The payment gateway now tells the shopping cart program at the web host whether or not the transaction was approved.
- The Payment gateway initiates a daily funds transfer request to the e-commerce merchant account the account accumulates the funds for a specified period (typically daily) and makes the scheduled transfers to your regular checking account completing the transaction.
It’s your money why should you wait for it?
Mobile Device Enabled Processing
We distinguish ourselves from our competitors who charge more to receive your funds the next day.
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Superior customer service combined with some of the lowest rates.