Tranz 330
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The 330 is a dependable terminal capable of all the payment processing needs of any business.
Product Information
The Tranz 330 is a dependable terminal capable of all the payment processing needs of any business. The Tranz 330 accepts all major credit, debit and EBT cards, as well as providing check guarantee and data capture. The Tranz 330 quickly downloads applications and file transfers. Additionally, the terminal has peripheral ports, which allows business to customize the terminal for their individual needs by adding slip, roll or sprocket printers, a PIN pad, bar code wands, or handheld scanners. The machine is outfitted with security and fraud controls to help prevent against information theft. Introduced in the early 90's this machine proved it reliability in the field and thousands are in service today. If you have specialized needs or have had specialty programs designed for this time tested payment device we still offer them to this day. If your needs a conventional or your business requires an integrated printer consider the vx 510 pictured below for a reliable system built around todays technology.
1.5 inches H x 5.6 inches W x 6.0 inches D
2.2 lbs
- Z80 CPU Microprocessor
- 32K EPROM memory
- 32 K battery-backed RAM
- Fluorescent, 16-character display
- Peripheral ports
- Communication ports
- 32°-104°F operating temperature
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