Stress Less Tips for Seniors

Monday October 31, 2022
Categories: General
Tags: Holidays, Mental Health

Photo of senior woman smiling at Fellowship Square Senior Living in AZ

The arrival of Halloween pretty much sets the stage for holiday season to commence! This can be a busy and exciting time. However, the holidays can also cause seniors a lot of stress.


Fellowship Square suggests some stress-less tips to help seniors enjoy the holidays more sans the worry!


Make a List (and check it twice) —

Santa knew best! But Christmas isn’t the only time of year for list-making. Those that have a hard time remembering things, staying on task, or keeping organized can greatly benefit from making a daily list. This can include things that need to be done, such as grocery shopping or going to the bank, as well as handy reminders to do the “everyday” things like taking medications and brushing teeth. Plus, there is something tactically satisfying about crossing a “done” item off that to-do list! Accomplishment – check!


Turn to Technology —

The internet can sometimes be a daunting place, but technology also offers a wide breadth of conveniences that can help relieve seniors of some stress. For example, seniors can schedule tele-visits with their doctors, arrange to have groceries delivered, and even do their banking at the touch of a screen. Technological conveniences are ideal for seniors that no longer drive or have a difficult time leaving home. But it can also help tremendously by making sometimes stressful things even easier. This holiday, seniors might consider shopping online for gifts or simply giving gift cards (which can be emailed or sent electronically as well) to save them the stress and hassle of dealing with the holiday crowds.


Simplify the Season —

Many holidays have become wildly commercialized, and while that aspect can be a lot of fun, it can also become quickly overwhelming. For example, a Thanksgiving or Christmas get-together need not be a super-expensive or complicated affair with a massive guest list. Consider joining a smaller group this year, such as family and close friends only. It’s also a great idea to either have the meal catered (so many restaurants offer Thanksgiving and Christmas to-go packages that feed multiple people) or make the event potluck style so every guest can share in the making and presentation of the meal. 


Focus on the Reasons for the Seasons —

Rather than focusing on the big spread at Thanksgiving, the tallest tree at Christmas time, or all the presents under that tree, the holidays are an opportunity to focus on what’s really important. At Thanksgiving, truly take some time to be grateful for all the everyday gifts that people take for granted. These everyday gifts, such as health and family, are invaluable and should be the focus of a day like Thanksgiving. (Yes, it’s okay to be grateful for a delicious feast and football, too). At Christmastime, focus on rejoicing in the birth of Jesus Christ and the miracles that surround this special holiday. Simply being grateful is a beautiful stress reliever.


Fellowship Square encourages seniors to get into the spirit of the season! The holidays can be such a fun and joyous time — embrace it! And don’t let stress get in the way of celebrating the real reasons for the seasons.

Fellowship Square

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