Accept Credit Cards is not your normal everyday merchant services provider. We provide so much more than just low rates for your card payments, we excel in providing you the best payment options for the way your business accepts payments along with the best in US based customer service.
We can reprogram 90% of the current terminals in use by businesses today as well as integrate with a large number of CRMS. We sell PAX and Verifone terminals, and provide restaurant POS systems through Vivid, Dessert and Clover. We also offer virtual terminals through NMI and Authorize.net which can also provide your business with shopping carts for your business’s website orders. In short, no matter how your business accepts payments, we have a solution for you.
Accept Credit Cards is also different in that we provide all of our merchants their annual PCI Compliance free of charge every year. We also provide our talented customer service seven days a week. We are here to help your business grow.
We believe you should expect more from your credit card processor. Shouldn’t your business be using Accept Credit Cards?
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